vitamins, nutrients and minerals supplementation


healping us to keep a healthy heart

As we all know, vitamins minerals and nutrition are very important when it comes to keeping our hearts in perfect health. There is a need for us to always be eating the right kinds of foods it needs to be said, although there is also a need to take in multivitamins nutrition and minerals supplementation  along with the food that is eaten in order to provide our bodies with that which it needs so that we can remain in shape as well as keeping our hearts working in peak condition for many years in the future. If a person does not consume the correct minerals and nutrients then they will not be doing their heart any real favours - and then they may end up having problems later on in life.

Perhaps the 1st nutrient that comes to our minds for most is vitamin E, it is essential for improving the overall health of our hearts. Whenever it is taken in the correct manner, it will help to stop the cholesterol in our bodies from harming those precious arteries that surround the heart. Whenever cholesterol oxidizes, it then sticks to the sides of endothelial lining and can then go on to lead to blockages which in turn are able to cause heart attacks or other serious problems that relate to the heart.  To help you keep your heart healthy, most doctors recommend that you take additional supplements that contain this which is essential for our bodies. They also may say that one consumes foods that are deemed to be naturally rich in it such as nuts. These do come with high amounts and most of them taste great. We can find other foods that contain this nutrient also, although it should be stated that nuts do have the highest amounts.

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In recent times various research papers have shown that it helps those people who have already suffered with heart issues such as an attack. This bodily essential does help to prevent heart attacks in future times as it does this by helping to open up our arteries so that it eliminates blockages. Those of us who have suffered a heart attack are always encouraged to make sure that we have more of this included within our overall diets. One thing that many people are not aware of is the fact that we are able to make use of vitamin C nutritional supplementation  in order to boost the effects of taking in vitamin E. Vitamin C is in fact known to be an antioxidant which prevents some of the damaging effects that cholesterol is seen to have on the body. In addition to preventing cholesterol from damaging our bodies, vitamin C also assists vitamin E to perform its necessary functions - some of these are in the protecting of our arteries along with our heart.

If one takes in both vitamins C as well as E as then they will be seen to be well on their way to having a healthier heart. In general terms this is the easiest way that one is able to ensure that they are not damaging their heart, this is especially if one has been seen to have had a heart attack in the past. If someone is seen to have had a history when it comes to dealing with heart disease or other heart issues within their families, these combinations of minerals vitamins and nutrition supplements will be seen to be essential to the diet. Even if one is just concerned when it comes to the health of their heart, this methodology will give one the peace of mind in understanding what they are eating in order to maintain a healthy heart.

As far as what dosage to take, this will of course vary from individual to individual although four hundred IUs of vitamin E & C have been the recommended amounts for most of us. Taken by itself vitamin C is able to be tolerated when one takes in large doses this can be done without leading to harmful effects on the body. One should be able to take in around 500 mg up to twice daily this can be done to ensure that the heart remains healthy. To remain on the safe side, one ought to always ensure that they get adequate amounts of multivitamins nutrition and mineral supplementation in their daily diet. Taking in more can be deemed as a good idea, this is especially if one is attempting to boost their heart health. Our hearts is in fact one of the most important organs in our bodies, and this is one main reason why we should always make sure that we take good care of it. If one eats a good diet and take in necessary nutrients then one will well be on their way to keeping their heart healthy.